Top Five Majors For Entrepreneurs
There are many roads that lead to a successful career as an entrepreneur. With the right degree, you can sharpen your skills and gain valuable knowledge. Although there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing your career path, we’ve compiled our top five most useful degrees for aspiring entrepreneurs.
A business degree is an obvious choice for most entrepreneurs. It offers a curriculum that provides a foundation of business knowledge and career insights. These tenants lead toward a meaningful career as an entrepreneur. Having a basic understanding of business and professional communication will give you the means to turn your business idea into reality. Business is at the core of everything we do; choosing a business degree will ensure you have the necessary soft skills in your back pocket. The University of Northern Iowa offers many paths to a business degree, now including a minor and certificate in entrepreneurship. View UNI’s Business majors, minors, and certificates, here.
Entrepreneurship is a career that relies on working alongside others. Studying the art of communications will set you apart in your ability to communicate big ideas and develop new initiatives. You'll reach buyers by getting your brand and offerings in front of the right audience. Learning to effectively communicate your perspective and desire is essential to pushing projects in the right direction for development. The means and methods of communication are constantly evolving, but the basic principles of communication remain the same. Pursuing a degree in communications is an excellent and versatile choice for an entrepreneur. To learn more about becoming a communications major at UNI, click here.
Money makes the world go 'round and is the driving force for many startups. As a novice entrepreneur, you’ll most likely begin your journey as a one or two-person venture. Because of this, you’ll be the sole advocate for your businesses financial success. With this in mind, it’ll be wise to have a firm understanding of money management. Even better, a degree in finance can help you master the monetary aspects of running a large-scale project such as your own business. Money on the brain? Click here to learn more about becoming a finance major at UNI. While this degree may give you a competitive financial edge, don't neglect the power of people and why we buy, leading us to our next major on the list.
A huge part of becoming a successful entrepreneur is understanding how people work. For this reason, a psychology degree is a great option for any entrepreneur. As a small business owner, you'll work hands-on with many different people and personalities on a day to day basis, including clients, potential partners, and employees. Learning the psychology and practice of persuasion is critical when communicating your ideas and selling products and services. Learning how our emotions guide our actions, how other people influence us, and ultimately, how we can use psychology to captivate the interests of potential buyers provides a firm foundation of knowledge to build into daily business practices. If the study of people suits you, click here to view the psychology major and minor at UNI.
One way to become a master of your niche is by studying a subject specific to your industry. Whether it be Music, Biology, or Management Information Systems, understanding your industry will allow you to create smart solutions that sell. If an industry specific major is the path of your choosing, consider pairing your major with a minor or emphasis specific to business and entrepreneurship. To explore majors at UNI, click here.
Final Thoughts
With the right amount of grit and determination, you have the capability to become a successful entrepreneur no matter which path you choose. Before you make a decision, take a moment to consider your passions and each day will provide a new experience.
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” – Steve Jobs
For more information on entrepreneurship at the University of Northern Iowa, connect with the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center.
Explore the Entrepreneurship Minor and Certificate, now available at the University of Northern Iowa.